
VIDEO: Is America Giving Up on Free Speech?

January 11, 2021

On Monday morning, Alliance Defending Freedom published a Freedom Matters episode that sets forth the Philadelphia Statement as a tangible solution the pressing need to recommit to free speech and civil discourse. The video asks critical question: Will our generation be the one that saved free speech, or the one that gave it up? This is the question facing the United States as social media gatekeepers, campus speech codes, and “cancel culture” threaten to silence free speech in the name of tolerance, diversity, and inclusion. What can we do to save this fundamental right in our free society? Stand up, speak out, and sign on to the Philadelphia Statement, at www.ThePhillyStatement.org.

You can watch this video on YouTube (https://youtu.be/kfNTNenJXnc), ADF’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/AllianceDefendingFreedom/), and our new account at Rumble.com (https://rumble.com/user/AllianceDefendingFreedom). You can help more people see this video by sharing, subscribing, “liking” or leaving a comment.