

Initial signers

Dr. Robert P. George

McCormick professor of jurisprudence and director, James Madison Program in American Ideals and InstitutionsPrinceton University

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

research fellow, Hoover Institution and founderAHA Foundation

Dr. Wilfred M. McClay

G.T. and Libby Blankenship chair in the history of liberty, University of Oklahoma

The Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput

archbishop emeritus of Philadelphia

Victor Riches

president and CEOGoldwater Institute

Dr. Thomas F. Farr

presidentReligious Freedom Institute

Dr. Stanley Kurtz

senior fellowEthics and Public Policy Center

Dr. Russell Moore

president, Ethics and Religious Liberty CommissionSouthern Baptist Convention

Dr. Samuel Gregg

research directorActon Institute

Robert Shibley

executive directorFoundation for Individual Rights in Education

Roger Ream

presidentThe Fund for American Studies

Mike Gonzalez

senior fellow, Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy and Angeles T. Arredondo e pluribus unum fellowThe Heritage Foundation

Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

presidentSouthern Baptist Theological Seminary

Rabbi Pesach Lerner

presidentCoalition for Jewish Values

Dr. Michael B. Poliakoff

presidentAmerican Council of Trustees and Alumni

Pete Peterson

dean, Braun family dean's chair, School of Public Policy and senior fellow, Davenport Institute for Public Engagement and Civic LeadershipPepperdine University

Dr. James Lindsay

founder and presidentNew Discourses

Dr. Peter W. Wood

presidentNational Association of Scholars

Karl Zinsmeister

The Philanthropy Roundtable, and former directorWhite House Domestic Policy Council

Dr. Mary Tedeschi Eberstadt

senior research fellowFaith & Reason Institute

Dr. Peter Boghossian

assistant professor of philosophyPortland State University

Lisa B. Nelson

CEOAmerican Legislative Exchange Council

Michael P. Farris

president and CEOAlliance Defending Freedom

Kevin D. Williamson

roving correspondentNational Review

Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt

Henry Wendt Chair in political economyAmerican Enterprise Institute

John Stonestreet

presidentColson Center for Christian Worldview

Nina Shea

director, Center for Religious FreedomHudson Institute

Dr. John C. Eastman

Senior FellowThe Claremont Institute

Dr. Niall Ferguson

Milbank family senior fellowHoover Institution

Ian Lindquist

fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center and executive directorThe Public Interest Fellowship

Howard Slugh

founder and general counselJewish Coalition for Religious Liberty

Elise Westhoff

president and CEOThe Philanthropy Roundtable

Eli Lehrer

president, R Street Institute

Rev. Dean Nelson

chairmanFrederick Douglass Foundation

Dr. Daniel Mark

assistant professor of political science, Villanova University, and former chairman, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

Lawson Bader

president and CEODonorsTrust

Christopher DeMuth

distinguished fellow, Hudson Institute, and former president, American Enterprise Institute

Dr. Christina Hoff Sommers

resident scholarAmerican Enterprise Institute

Charlie Copeland

president and CEOIntercollegiate Studies Institute

Dr. Charles Murray

F. A. Hayek emeritus chair in cultural studiesAmerican Enterprise Institute

Dr. Carol M. Swain

retired professor of political science and lawVanderbilt University

Dr. Allen C. Guelzo

senior research scholar, Council of the Humanities and director, Initiative on Politics and Statesmanship, James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, Princeton University

Dr. Arthur Herman

senior fellow and director, Quantum Alliance InitiativeHudson Institute

Alan Sears

former president, CEO and general counselAlliance Defending Freedom

Adam J. White

resident scholarAmerican Enterprise Institute

Dr. Melissa Moschella

assistant professor of philosophy, Catholic University of America, visiting scholar, B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies and Edwin J. Feulner InstituteThe Heritage Foundation
Signatories of the Philadelphia Statement sign as individuals. Organizational affiliations and positions are listed for identification purposes only.
34584 people have signed the Statement so far.

Seth Dillon

CEO, The Babylon Bee

John Matze

CEO, Parler

Dr. Wayne Grudem

distinguished research professor of theology and biblical studies, Phoenix Seminary

Mike Sharrow

CEO, C12 Group

Christopher Rufo

director, Center on Wealth & Poverty, Discovery Institute, and executive director, The Documentary Foundation

Emily Seidel

CEO, Americans for Prosperity

David Lapp

co-founder and at-large organizer, Braver Angels

Steve Bosley

founder and businessman, BOLDERBoulder

Lou Perez

head writer and producer, We the Internet TV

Cliff Maloney

president, Young Americans for Liberty

Dr. Colleen Sheehan

professor of politics and director of graduate studies, Arizona State University

Dr. Jeff Myers

president, Summit Ministries

Robert Netzly

CEO, Inspire Investing

Dr. Michael Chupp

CEO, Christian Medical & Dental Associations

Nicole Neily

president, Speech First

Alain Oliver

executive director, Love & Fidelity Network

Dr. Jenna Robinson

president, James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal

Josh Brahm

president and co-founder, Equal Rights Institute

Dr. William B. Allen

emeritus dean and professor, Michigan State University

Steve Wagner

executive director, Justice For All

Dr. David S. Dockery

distinguished professor of theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and former president, Union University

Dr. Daniel Mahoney

professor of political science and Augustinian Boulanger Chair, Assumption University

Roger L. Simon

co-founder of PJ Media, and columnist, The Epoch Times

Dr. Matthew Hickey

University Distinguished Teaching Scholar and associate dean for research and graduate studies College of Health and Human Sciences, Colorado State University

Dr. Walter Block

Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair and professor of economics, Loyola New Orleans

Daniel Pipes

president, Middle East Forum

Prof. Damian Liviu

lecturer, University of Bucharest

Prof. Robert Heidt

professor emeritus of law, Indiana University at Bloomington

Joseph E. Mueth

principal attorney, Joseph E. Mueth Law Corporation

Dr. Jay Bergman

professor of history, Central CT State University at New Britain CT

Prof. Alberto Sampaio

adjunct professor, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto

Dr. Nicoli Nattrass

professor, University of Cape Town

Sandra Stotsky

professor emeritus, University of Arkansas

Dr. Timothy W. Burns

professor and graduate program director of political science, Baylor University

Prof. Jonathan Reisman

associate professor of economics and public policy, University of Maine at Machias

Dr. James Hitchcock

professor emeritus of history, St. Louis University

Dr. Richard Speed

former lecturer, California State University at East Bay

Prof. Nathan Harter

professor, Christopher Newport University

Dr. Warren Treadgold

National Endowment for the Humanities Professor of Byzantine Studies, Saint Louis University

Dr. Philip Carl Salzman

professor emeritus and author, McGill University

Dr. Nahma Sandrow

professor emerita, City University of New York

Dr. Patricia Bart

associate professor, Hillsdale College

Dr. Greg Bonner

associate professor emeritus, Villanova University

Dr. Carl Cohen

professor of philosophy, University of Michigan

Dr. Jackson Toby

professor of sociology emeritus, Rutgers University

Dr. Murray S. Y. Bessette

director of academic programs, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation

Prof. Marcus Sheffield

professor of English, Southern Adventist University

Dr. Robert J. Lieber

professor emeritus of government & international affairs, Georgetown University

J. Martin Rochester

professor emeritus of political science, University of Missouri at St. Louis

Ralph Westfall

professor emeritus, California State Polytechnic University at Pomona

Dr. James Hartley

professor of economics, Mount Holyoke College

Prof. Sylvia Wasson

professor of foreign languages, Santa Rosa Junior College
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