

About the statement
Social media

Become an ambassador for free speech and civility.

Share the Statement with your friends.

The Philadelphia Statement affirms the uniquely American commitment to free speech. In today’s “cancel culture,” people and groups of good will are too often demonized or blacklisted simply for expressing their views.

This needs to stop.

We must recommit to principles of freedom that invite robust debate and dialogue, inspire peaceful coexistence rather than division, and lay the foundation for a shared future alongside those with whom we differ.

That is why a diverse group of leading thinkers, scholars, and practitioners have come together to sign the Philadelphia Statement, calling for a renewed commitment to civil discourse and free speech.

All who share in this vision are invited join the movement by signing the Statement, sharing it widely, and putting into practice the timeless principles it affirms.

If you are seeking more information or wish to be added to our press list, please contact us at info@thephillystatement.org

#PhillyStatement #FreeSpeech #TheAnswerIsMoreSpeech


Social Media Suggestions


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